Gallery I

“If Momma Ain’t Happy…”

16.5″x 21.5″ $1800

This is another in a series of pieces done exploring the people of Texas, Oklahoma and Kansas that withstood the devastating Dust Bowl drought of the 1930’s.

“River Stalker”

15.5″x 21″ $1495 USD

I watched this majestic hunter stand stone still for an eternity. He eventually darted his head downward and was rewarded for his patience with his breakfast.

Opposing Light Sources”

14″x 20″ $975 USD

This is a study in opposites. The light source on the Orchid is from right to left. The background light is from left to right. Thanks goes out to Marian Kalka for the amazing photograph I used as a reference for this piece.

“Burning Horns”

12″x 16″ SOLD

A group of cowboys have held down this calf and cut his horns off and are cauterizing the stump with a hot brand. These cowboys are from archival photos taken in the 1930’s near Marfa, Texas. Bosque Art Classic selection.

“Abandonment Issues”

12″x 16″ $800 USD

The American Plains Artists Art Show and Sale selected this piece to be a part of their show a few years back. It depicts one of thousands of homes abandoned by tenant farmers during the Dust Bowl of the 1930’s.

“Crowded in the Chute”

15″x 21″ $1350 US

A typical scene from a 1950’s rodeo

“Horse Power Meets Horsepower”

16″x 22″ $1500 USD

I was drawn to this piece by the way the horse seems to be nuzzling the tractor. American Plains Artist Show and Sale selection.

“Hold’em Still”

17″x 22″ $1800 USD

In the world of Western art many depictions have been done of cowboys of the old west and modern cowboys of today. However not much has been done to showcase cowboys from the 1920’s to 1950’s. This another in a series of pieces paying tribute to the cowboys of the 1930’s. Bosque Art Classic selection.

“The Barrel Whisperer”

12″x 16″ $895 USD

This pony appears to be talking to the barrel about not falling over if he grazes it in a future barrel race.

“Kohana Mota: aka Swift Bear”

16″x 20″ $1100 USD

This piece was done in marker, graphite pencil, and charcoal stump. One of only a handful of pieces I have done in mixed media. Stars of Texas selection.